
Things happen right

The film. The girl. The pose. Though the scan is just terrible I think you still see what I'm talking about.
Back 07
I'll be back...


Moving on

As I've told you once again (I think), in the past I've always stopped projects in the middle and moved on to something new and fascinating. The cause of this? Maybe I get bored easily. Maybe I've never had an audience to tell me what they think about what I do and that kept me quite unpassioned. Sharing "the schoolyear project" on the internet, people get aware of it. Even people that participate by being shot and people that I see everyday.That's kind of interesting. One of my subjects told me yesterday that it would be a nice idea to have all the photos printed and joint in some kind of yearbook. We will see. I still have tons of wonderful projects in mind but this time I'll do this 'till the end.

About the film: It's Ilford Delta 400iso and it's GRAINY. Usually I get sharper images, even with expired film (that I almost exclusively use). I can only guess that the film was pretty old.Or the developer. Anyway, it's a different result than the photos shot on the tmax 100 but I kinda like it. I'm definitely proud of those.