As I've told you once again (I think), in the past I've always stopped projects in the middle and moved on to something new and fascinating. The cause of this? Maybe I get bored easily. Maybe I've never had an audience to tell me what they think about what I do and that kept me quite unpassioned. Sharing "the schoolyear project" on the internet, people get aware of it. Even people that participate by being shot and people that I see everyday.That's kind of interesting. One of my subjects told me yesterday that it would be a nice idea to have all the photos printed and joint in some kind of yearbook. We will see. I still have tons of wonderful projects in mind but this time I'll do this 'till the end.
About the film: It's Ilford Delta 400iso and it's GRAINY. Usually I get sharper images, even with expired film (that I almost exclusively use). I can only guess that the film was pretty old.Or the developer. Anyway, it's a different result than the photos shot on the tmax 100 but I kinda like it. I'm definitely proud of those.

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