
Quotes, again

"You really can’t teach photography, and what you really can’t teach that photographers need, is curiosity. You cannot teach curiosity. If you’re not curious about life then you’re just spinning your wheels."
Dennis Darling (via photographsonthebrain)(via photographsonthebrain)
(via tokyo camera style)
He's right



Comfort food.

For those of you who have followed my blog for some time now (or for those who know me, for that matter) it should be pretty obvious now that food keeps a big place in my mind. I like cooking and am quite a gourmet (It is one of the few things I'd give money away for). But recently, I've been through a phase where nothing tasted good, regardless who made it. It was some kind of food depression. And then, a dear friend of mine who's my cooking inspiration made someting that changed my mind completely: orzo with miced meat in a pot. It was the pure definition of comfort food. Not too sweet, not too sour not too spicy. And today I cooked it for the first time, for my parents. Having them appreciate my food is twice as satisfying as anyone else, I think.



Some days ago, a friend of mine commented on my connection with all social classes, referring to it as cosmopolitanism. I'd say it's paranoid. Eating bison one day and pasta the other. Not being able to communicate, because your reality is something they'll never understand. And I ask myself: how can I communicate with people who think of others who happen to be poor in the best case as poor dearys and in the worst as imbeciles?

(based on abstract thoughts based on this photo)
la dinde



"The most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion, but cosmetics are easier to buy." - Yves Saint Laurent.

Oh, I bet it is.


2 a.m. Cinderella

..has no slipper to lose. What brings her home at that time is her inner fatigue and her fear. Wrong choices - wrong moves. Sad songs. Songs that contain the whole point of life. Despising people. Less alcohol. Worries. And life that's nice like this only.


Growing Up

...I can't accurately describe it with words. But I can say it feels calm. And wise. Because you've finally accustomed yourself with things you were breaking your head about. People need their time to "digest" knowledge. For some it's easier and for others it ain't. Some things are easier to digest and others are as hard as fried fish. But sooner or later you find yourself in the relaxed state of digestion. Or at least I hope so, because experience shows that some people can never digest some things. Oh well. This calm and wise phase means that you're ready to face a new step, while going on with your daily fights. Because you're never absolutely calm but a fleeting moment.



The unfriendly city named Athens

It's been a long time since I've been here. But it seems unpleasant as ever. If I could just separate some pieces of it and throw the rest away it could be lovely. But it's not the case. Growing up in a (international, but even though) village, this city gives me the creeps. Too many people, too much pretense. How the hell could I ever live here?and how the hell can people even live here? There are people that show me how I could do it. And others that push me towards leaving away this second. That's a question that will haunt my mind for a long time I think.