
Growing up?

I'm 25 now. And when I think that I was 19 when I started this blog, I have mixed feelings. Since then, I've moved to another town (an island, even), finished architecture school and started an Msc, had a tremendous love life (in both senses), and of course, some things remain. Like my friends and my beliefs, and I'm very glad about that. But there's one thing that has been troubling me which ain't recent at all. In the end, are we growing up or down? I've had a moment of clarity yesterday (as I recently do when hung over) where I've realized that, in my case, it's probably down.

Experience ain't always a good thing, I tell you. At least it isn't, if it's accompanied by assimilation. You are exposed to something, you reject it, and then it happens again and slowly it's part of what you accept. STOP IT WHILE IT'S STILL EASY. Otherwise you'll end up, as your parents predicted, following their steps. Or worse.

A birthday can always be a day for reflection. Who have I been and what have I done for the last x years? Have the last ones been better than the previous? If not it might be time for change.

Beware honeybunnies. If I wrote this post yesterday it would be a cream-and-roses- filled delirious and a little bit dangerous romance. But let's use experience to avoid trouble for once.


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