
Fred and Fed

I learned recently about a funding project, Fred and Fed . Frederic Buchet, has sold me a polaroid camera once that still gives me very nice photos. Unluckily, his beloved fed (a russian rangefinder camera) has been left in the light and has,now a hole in the curtain. He decided to give it for a repair and to promote his photographic career shooting with it. I find all of this very brave. Do take a look at his ulule and his flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Efcharisto ! ( ou quelque chose de similaire ^^' )

    Merci tout plein a toi ! Ça me touche beaucoup cette news sur ton blog !!! Je vais m' empresser d' y jeter un coup d' oeil...

    J' espère de tout cœur que tout se passe a merveille pour toi en Grèce !

    Fred & Fed

    A très bientôt !
