

Holy cow, it's been a whole two months since I wrote anything here. Well, no wonder. I've been busy flirting with my new man, doing research work for my thesis, ballet, improvisation, living on the island and anywhere else around Greece. No wonder.

This post is about integrity as a social sign. But, being a barfly has nothing to do with a new sweetheart in the end. It has everything to do about a modus vivendi though. And I'd like to say that what hasn't changed was positive in the end.

Still me.


After Drunk

Well well... For starters, the title is just a joke paraphrasing "After Dark". But it is also a reality because yesterday I most definitely drank a whole vineyard.

I hadn't drank as much since before I started dieting. And the best thing: it was all free. But now, I'm enduring the consequences.

Tomorrow I'm playing and then leaving for Athens. Let's see how that goes...


Pain in the abs

Well, I did say this post was going to be about dance and it won't be that far off. But let's take it from a different aspect.

In the summer, after an intensive contemporary dance workshop (and the load of energy I gave it), some kind of epiphany came on me. Dance has always been with me, even when I wasn't formally training. I'm one of those who choreograph themselves, half drunk, on the way home after dark. Well, if things had gone differently I might have seriously tried to be a dancer, but now, choreographer it is. And that leaves me in a sort of new and exciting and scary situation.

My muscles ache quite frequently, I'm challenging all kinds of dances simultaneously (meaning, I'm doing sloppy pirouettes and even sloppier somersaults, but even that is a huge advancement). And hoping for the best.

I'm that much of an addict, that, even when I leave the island, I find someplace to dance. And of course, I watch hours of ballet and listen to classical music. Etc.

Once again, wish me luck. Because this ain't easy...


Lady with the headache

I'm back.

My life looks nothing like last year for now. I dance every day but otherwise going out at night, drinking, eating, sleeping comes with a program. And that feels quite good. The only thing I cannot handle is studying.

Everything's under control. Well, I can hardly say so for anything larger than myself. But I like that new person and the possibilities it gives to acting outside of my bubble.

And, if love truly is like oxygen, the reason why I'm having headaches can be explained...

I'm getting boring, I know. The next post will be about DANCE


An assessment

It's been a long time and, if I'm not mistaken it's the first time in the history of this blog ( that has discretely become six years old) that I've skipped a whole month. Well, you cannot oblige yourself to write, they say. Plus, I've had a good deal of vacation in between.

I've found a job (maybe two). This for starters. And the politics of the country are going berserk in a good way, if you ask me. Things are changing. Some stay the same but still.

This summer has been rich in experiences, and mostly good. So far, we've had noone to mourn for, and that's the greatest luck one can have. My two cents.

And that's how it is. Tomorrow I'm dj-ing for a local bar in Gastouni, and if all goes well, we'll have a new "confessions on the dancefloor" chapter.

Bisous for now 


And leaving ain't easy...

I am quoting someone else for my title, once again, since I cannot find something more inspiring at this time. I'm in Athens for just a little while and the difference with my usual everyday is more than obvious. I feel like a fish drowning out of the sea here. And this might be a good or a bad thing. 

One for the trouble, two for the bass. A very interesting summer awaits you.  We are in midst of a political crisis, a love paranoia, and a big hand mixing the soup in general.

Even though I do not believe in metaphysics, I can't wait for the things this summer has to offer me. And we'll see...


The best brainwash I ever did to myself...

...was the one when I thought I hated sweets.

Every others result was a disaster.


I could fall in love..

With some blogger I've never known. Some unknown dj who mixes tracks as if he was residing in my head. With overly serious revolutionaries. But never with someone I find boring. Regardless of age, proximity or quality of sex.

And that, I guess, is a great handicap


It's the first time that I miss Patras. For real. Not my friends, not some specific situation. It's atmosphere.

I don't think that me, not writing all that much here, is a coincidence.

Truth be told, this small place tends to make us less than full humans. This is how I feel.

This is just a little part of it. Sometimes I am surprised from my own amplitude...

(and the whole album)


I don't wanna work today

And so, I'm doing everything to avoid it.Since it has a deadline in 3-4 hours, though, I guess this is the last thing that I'll do before carrying on with it.

A very rich month has passed, since I last posted. But I don't have the time to talk about it. Kudos to all of you.


Hello there. The angel from my nighmare. The shadow in the background of the morgue

Many things have come by. I won't talk about them, once more. I'm not suffering though. Too old to do that. Things get far more complicated than that. Good night to you, fellows.


Proud of myself

Being proud of oneself is a great deal, I daresay. There are many ways to. Some people are proud when they've created something. I will admit that I've almost never felt that. For me, being proud has everything to do about doing right in human relationships (and being the same person drunk and sober). And it's the first time that I haven't shamed myself, in a while.

Well just another self-centered post. But believe me, you've missed the worst.

PS. I've decided to expand the blogs I read also to music ones. Take a check


People are leaving

and I'm creating. It's been the first good photo I've shot in ages. Just enjoy the bittersweetness.


It's complicated part I

Did you ever end up laying inside a sleeping bag in your own home, on your own bed? I have. The story behind this isn't so important (or, I'd rather not talk about it).

Rien ne va plus? Not quite. I'm having a sober day and a busy tomorrow. Let's see...


The pains of being pure at heart (in a promiscuous body)

(sexy swimmers fished on the internet)

I hope to be clear from the start: this text will be humorous, ironic, angry maybe but not very serious (because if you treat these matters seriously you die bitten by your cat, they said).
Anyway, the thing is: in our modern societies, sexuality ain't the least liberated. Even in the 16th century everyone was copulating in the barns, in the palaces and everywhere else, and that was a fact. Our era, contrary to that, is full of pretension. Phony monogamy, closeted homosexuality, pious virgins with gaping assholes and who knows what else. If you're a woman who fucks around, you're loose (think about the etymology), a whore or anything else considered a demerit. If you're a man who doesn't you're a looser, a "pussy" and the list could go on forever. Talking about liberation here.

Well, as Engels denoted, monogamy comes hand-in-hand with property and capitalism. So, it's no wonder that the previously mentioned are happening. But the pretension is the icing on the cake. In our modern society, matching what you say and what you do is a real revolutionary act. So, you can either come close to your sayings or your acts. That's your choice, hon.


A boring easter holiday (or remembering-forgetting)

This Easter holiday has been quite uneventful. Syros is beautiful as usual and going to Myconos has been a (mild) experience but, otherwise, nothing really groundbreaking is going on.Hanging on with the same people, having drinks without expectations, sleeping as much as one can, not doing my homework, having a mess of a house that can't fully handle three grown-ups with requirements. And, of course, I'm missing the Gastouni factor. Bad music, great cocktails by the sea, my cousins and the local gossip. Well, that has been an experience I'm not keen on repeating.

Anyway, that boredom has (curiously) reminded me of one thing. It's been a lot of years since I've been in love with anyone. I think that this actually contrasts with the boredom waves.

My hopes are on the next week. Happy Easter to all of you.



I could write a book, once again. But there's no need. Hard earned money fits my tranquility right now. Good night to all of you.


Growing up?

I'm 25 now. And when I think that I was 19 when I started this blog, I have mixed feelings. Since then, I've moved to another town (an island, even), finished architecture school and started an Msc, had a tremendous love life (in both senses), and of course, some things remain. Like my friends and my beliefs, and I'm very glad about that. But there's one thing that has been troubling me which ain't recent at all. In the end, are we growing up or down? I've had a moment of clarity yesterday (as I recently do when hung over) where I've realized that, in my case, it's probably down.

Experience ain't always a good thing, I tell you. At least it isn't, if it's accompanied by assimilation. You are exposed to something, you reject it, and then it happens again and slowly it's part of what you accept. STOP IT WHILE IT'S STILL EASY. Otherwise you'll end up, as your parents predicted, following their steps. Or worse.

A birthday can always be a day for reflection. Who have I been and what have I done for the last x years? Have the last ones been better than the previous? If not it might be time for change.

Beware honeybunnies. If I wrote this post yesterday it would be a cream-and-roses- filled delirious and a little bit dangerous romance. But let's use experience to avoid trouble for once.



Confused and...confused

I'm turning 25 soon and I've never been more confused in my life. But let's start from the beginning of it all.

Syros is getting warmer and pleasant. One thing I definitely hate in islands (and now, I can say it from experience)is the cold epoch. I mean, snow tempest on an island? It's definitely awful. And when the weather gets pleasant enough to walk around with one (or two) light cardigans, you can't expect but hope for the best.

What now? Hell, why? Who knows.

We'll see.



I can't sleep lately.

I'm one little step away from creating poetry (not in the literal way).

Planning all my steps.

The world might not be enough sometimes...


Did it again

It's been a long time, hasn't it? I can share the news with you.
a. I can finally write a post on my cellphone (which is what I'm doing right now!).
B. I'm having exams (after two years) and that's tough.
c. I ve learned nothing from the past, it seems...
D. We're having a new government in Greece.

Many things are happening. But noone can predict what will be going on in two months....


Goodbye 2015, goodbye Luxembourg! It's been nice

I'm leaving Luxembourg in an hour and I can only say that this visit was what I needed to calm down and think things through. The snow, calm streets, and boredom around here are a blessing. Our family friends also. It's been fun, and filling and a good rest for the days that will follow.

One thing I've done around here is a bizarre sort of pilgrimage. I've recognized recently that I have an obsession with parts of my past, one that can be moving but also bothering, one that can't let you move on with your life at times. Take Luxembourg for instance; once I haven't come for a long time, I start dreaming about it. So, I'm trying to send away the tigers with what I know how to express my feelings best with: photography. I've followed a path that I loved to take and took photos on the way. And here is the series Kirchberg.

It's the start of a project I've named back road (though I think I might change it's name). It's very personal, for a change. And it will probably have a continuation. Because there are many tigers to send away. Plus, the memory that needs to be nurtured, based on, created from, killed. All of those in the same time. Ain't that wonderful.
Ps. My foul mood of the last month has greatly changed here. But, as a dearest friend says, problems don't magically disappear. You need to work on them. And I'm in the mood for that.